Monday, November 5, 2012

Scary (or not!)

Here we are: creation # 6...

I felt that prickle on the back of my neck again. My breath caught in my throat. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. It was probably nothing. I leaned back further against the tree and tried to focus on my book. I felt it—something—slide down my shirt! All I could think about was the tarantula my brother, Adam, bought when I was thirteen. He'd apologized a million times for letting it escape into my room but I'd never forgotten. I could still see it's black fuzzy legs crawling on my skin. I jumped to my feet and practically ripped off my sweater. I shook out my tank top. And then I saw it. Sitting ever so still on the ground was my attacker—a crisp red Autumn leaf.

Want to watch a video of me reading this (not so) scary story?  Check out the Rini By Design fan page:


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Creation # 5: When There's Something Strange...

Howdy and Happy Thursday!  I invite you to continue the journey through my list of "10 Creations You Can Make in Ten Minutes".

Today's creation?  A photo of something strange!  

Take a look...really stop to MULL it over...

Give your brain permission to wander wherever it dares to go...

And make a list (another one you ask?) of everything this photo reminds you of-and don't worry, this can be a mental list!  


Did you do it?  What did that fabulous mind of yours think of my new friend here?  Oh, and in case you're curious-I named her Cluckers!  

Here are my thoughts as related to Cluckers:

  • Gonzo from The Muppets-he loved chickens!
  • I want to read Tammi Sauer's book Bawk & Roll even more now...
  • A stuffed chicken-now why didn't I ever ask for one before?  Oooh...I know what's going on my Christmas list!
  • Maybe someday I could get a real chicken? Or chickens?  
  • Both my grandmothers had chicken coops!
  • Chicken pecks hurt!  Would I have the guts to collect the eggs? 
  • What would I name all these chickens?
  • Why DID the chicken cross the road?
  • Chickens are funny!  I don't know why...they just are!
Feel free to share your thoughts on Cluckers (or a strange object of your own fascination) right here...see below where it says comments?  Yep, right there! Thanks!!

